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Rugged Look



Most of the men usually prefer rugged look especially those with chocolate looks. With this look you can look matured but confused on how to perfect it? Here are few tips to perfect this style without sacrificing your sense of style.



Stay basic:


There are different things available in the market these days to enhance your look but it is recommended to stay basic. Stick to the basics most of the time. You don’t always have to depend on the external elements as a man to stay rugged.



Don't go dressy:


Don’t go for dressy shirts. Instead, go for untucked look.  Why don’t you prefer plaid shirts since they look rough and will suit almost everything in your wardrobe?



Follow a grooming regime:


You are trying to have a rough-hewn look but you should also continue to groom yourself. Don’t avoid the grooming regime.



Careful with the colours:


Strictly avoid feminine colours. Instead prefer hues of black, grey, blue and brown. They look pretty cool on you.



Stay away from accessories:


Few accessories like a wrist watch or a leather wrist band can look cool on you but make sure you don’t overdo it.



Go for an old pair of jeans:


Rugged look jeans are easily available in the market. You can one or just convert an old pair of jeans into rugged jeans by tearing it at the right places.



Dark shoes:


Now coming to shoes, go for dark coloured shoes. Prefer boots and normal shoes, sport shoes and steer clear canvas over anything else.



And that’s it, you got the perfect rugged look.