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Papaya orange smoothie



Papaya orange smoothie is loaded with nutrients and is one of the healthiest fruits. It lowers bad cholesterol, cures colon, cures morning sick and many more benefits to list. Blend it with any citrus fruit like orange and you’ll get a power packed smoothie ready. Moreover even diabetics can drink it since it’s very low on sugar.



Ingredients You’ll Need:



Papaya puree – 1 cup

Fresh Orange Juice – 2 cups

Sugar substitute – 2 tsp

Lemon juice – 2 tsp

Crushed ice – 1 cup






1. Mix pureed papaya, orange juice, sugar substitute such as honey, and lemon juice.

2. Blend it in a mixer till it becomes smooth.

3. Take ¼ cup of crushed ice in a glass and pour the smoothie over it.

4. Serve chilled smoothie and enjoy the taste with your family.