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To prevent hair fall, you consume protein rich diet and massage your hair with oil so often but do you know that yoga can help in curing hair fall? These asanas or poses stimulate blood circulation in your head. Even simple breathing exercise can keep your mane healthy, and oxygenate and rejuvenate body. Check these yoga asanas or poses below that help greatly in hair growth.



Downward Dog or Adho Mukha Svasana:

Adho Mukha Svasana


This pose increases oxygen and blood circulation in your head and face. It stimulates your nerves in scalp.


The Process: Sleep on your stomach on the mat placing palms flat on the ground beside your ears with legs straight. Push the hips upwards with knees straight and stand on your toes. Your position should be in inserted ‘V’ shape. Press your palms on the ground and keep your spine straight as much as possible. Slowly come pull down the hips and come back to the initial position.



Forward Bend or Uttanasana:



This pose helps in stretching out hamstrings and your abdomen muscles. It helps in blood circulation in your head and your body switches from the sympathetic to parasympathetic nervous system and relaxes you.


The Process: Stand straightly on the mat with both legs close to each other. Inhale deeply and then lift both the hands upwards. Then slowly exhale and while doing so, bend slowly forward till your fingers touch your toes. Your knees should be straight throughout the process. If you can, touch the heels with your hands from behind. Stay in this position for few seconds and breathe normally. Now inhale deeply and get back to the initial position slowly.



Camel Pose or Ustrasana:



This pose improves your body strength and increases the blood circulation to your heart and head.

The Process: Sit on your knees with your back straight. Slowly bend your spine backwards and hold the heels with your hands. Now stretch your face upwards trying to see behind you. Hold that position for few seconds and concentrate on your breathe. Now slowly get back to the first position.



Shoulder Stand or Sarvangasana:



It regulates the functioning of thyroid glands and improves blood circulation in your head promoting proper hair growth.


The Process: Lie straightly on the back with both legs close to each other. Lift both the legs upwards slowly but if it’s difficult for you, first fold your legs at knees and then lift them. Put the palms on your hips to support them and lift your back raising your body upwards. You’ll rest your weight on your shoulders. Breathe slowly and lock the chin in your chest. Your elbows should be on the ground. Hold the position for few seconds and then come back to the initial position. Those with neck, spine or high BP problems should avoid doing this asana. Beginners can take help of a partner.



Diamond Pose or Vajrasana:




This pose relaxes body and mind. Stress is one of the main reasons for hair loss. So just 10 minutes of this pose can help you get rid of stress. You can even do this just after having your meal.


The Process: Sit on the mat with your spine straight and both legs stretched in front of you close to each other. Fold legs one after the other slowly into under your thighs with one heel over the other. Put both your hands on your thighs with palms placing downwards. Close both eyes and relax. Inhale and exhale deeply for few minutes as long as you want to and then come back to the normal position.



Kapalbhati Pranayam:



This exercise oxygenates body and scalp, and strengthens stomach muscles and abdomen muscles.


The Process: Sit straight with palms on your knees. Start inhalation and exhalation. While you inhale, pull the stomach inwards as much as possible tightening the muscles and while you exhale, loosen the stomach muscles. You can do it as much as you can by doing few repetitions with small time intervals of rest.