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Freckles are very common types of blemishes that specifically effects light skin. These can be due to sun damage or maybe it’s in your genes. These can appear anywhere on the body and face is the most affected area. Getting rid of them is possible through medication but before that everyone tries home remedies first. Here are few remedies you may want to try once but before doing that, it’s recommended to consult your dermatologist first.


1. Bleach cream



To get rid of dark spots and dark skin, you can use bleach cream. Many products are available in the market but before you use it on your entire face or any other body part, test it once on a hidden area of on your body. Few may be strong for you and result in bad reaction. In order to prevent this, it’s advised to test it first.


2. Lasers



Get your freckles removed with laser treatment. It’s quick and good for those with large freckles. But before you do that, make sure none of your freckles are cancerous. Sometimes we think it’s a simple and small blemish but it’s actually cancerous.


3. Lactic acid



Creams having lactic acid or you can call them sour cream otherwise. Apply it to your affected areas and it can slowly fade them away but this takes time. You need to invest few bucks on few tubs. Alternatively, use sour milk.


4. Chemical peels



Chemical peels also work on blemishes. These peels remove several layers of skin and you can get rid of irregularities on your skin surface. Homemade peels don’t have enough strength and these aren’t good choice. GO see your doctor for this procedure and your skin will stay raw for few days. It’ll heal smoothly and blemish free.


5. Freezing



You can freeze your freckles yourself but it is better you allow a professional do this for you. You need to keep liquid nitrogen ready on the spot since this procedure creates blisters that cause discolored skin fall off in few days. It’s a very harsh treatment and so, you shouldn’t repeat this on the same skin area within a week.


6. Fruit and vegetable facials



A heard home remedy for this is using fresh fruits and vegetables face packs. Vegetables and fruits work best on your skin. Add all the required ingredients and apply it evenly to your skin. Let it dry it wait for 15 to 20 minutes and rinse well. Few good options are apricots, strawberries, cucumbers etc. Mixture of parsley juice and lemon juice works well.


7. Lemon juice



Lemon juice works greatly for skin lightening and curing freckles naturally. But this juice may sometimes irritate your skin. So, it’s better to do patch test first before applying to your entire face. You can even cut the lemon and rub it to your skin on the spots.


8. Vitamin C



Why just do things from the outside? You can even consume vitamin C supplements. Consume citrus foods to protect your skin from the formation of new freckles. They make your skin resistant to sun rays.


9. Eggplant



Cut a fresh egg plant and apply this to your affected areas. You can gently massage an eggplant slice to your skin. This releases juice. Leave it on the skin for at least 10 minutes. Do this regularly and notice the difference in a week or two.


10. Castor oil



Both vitamin E oil and castor oil work effectively in removing freckles. Before going to bed in the night, wash your face well and towel dry it. Apply the oil to your face and leave it for 10 minutes and then head to the bed. Next morning, wipe the oil and rinse well. Don’t apply anything else. Do this till your freckles leave you.


There are many ways to get rid of freckles. If you have light freckles, simply opt for home remedies else you can visit a good dermatologist for this.