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Alright, so most of you would love to be sleeping beauty. Sleep for years, no stressful jobs, no wrinkles and finally be kissed by a prince. We can’t really promise a charming prince, but we can show you how to enhance your beauty while you’re sleeping.

Here are 10 super easy and quick overnight beauty treatments that you must try.


Overnight Beauty Tips


1. Reduce Wrinkles
If you’re too lazy to apply all kinds of creams and lotions in the day, then try this. Apply a heavy-duty moisturiser or anti-ageing cream before hitting the sack—you’ll wake up with plump, fresh skin and reduced wrinkles. If you have oily skin, opt for water- or milk-based lotions.


2. Get Longer Lashes
Get dreamy, long eyelashes when you wake up by applying a bit of coconut oil or Vaseline and gently combing out with a clear mascara brush. Try this every night for two weeks and you will see stunning results.


3. Lighten Dark Circles
Apply coconut oil or dark circle cream around your eyes when you sleep. Since your eyes are not strained at night, the cream will be absorbed by your skin better.


4. Plump Up Your Lips
While brushing at night, take a minute and exfoliate your lips with a lip balm or moisturiser using a fresh toothbrush. Apply lip nourishing balm before you sleep and wake up with soft, pink lips.


5. Brighter Teeth
After you brush your teeth and gargle at night, dip your toothbrush into baking soda and quickly brush your teeth. You will find visibly brighter teeth in a week.


6. Heal Pimples                                            
Have a horrible breakout on your skin? Apply a tinge of tea-tree oil or toothpaste on the affected area and it will reduce in size by morning.


7. Frizz-Free Hair
Did you know you’re damaging your hair while you’re sleeping? The tossing and turning at night causes friction between your hair and the pillowcase, causing it to break and become frizzy. Switch over to satin pillowcases and tie a loose, comfortable braid instead of keeping your hair open.


8. Prevent Split Ends
Apply a bit of hair-strengthening serum or oil at the roots of your hair before you sleep. This will ensure that the ends of your hair get the required nutrition during the course of the night and reduce split ends.


9. Soft, Supple Feet & Hands
Use body lotion on your feet and hand generously before sleeping so that they get the necessary hydration for the night. Even better would be to sleep with socks and gloves on as the lotion will also help soften and manage your cuticles.


10. Drink A Glass (Or Two) Of Water
Your body goes without water for about eight to nine hours at night when you sleep. So drink a glass of water to keep your system hydrated before you hit the bed.


We’re sure you’re going to wake up all pretty with these tips. Do drop in a line in the comments section if you have any more tips.