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Height is something that determines the overall personality of a person. Tall people usually become centre of attention. Short people suffer from lack of confidence and also face certain difficulties in few aspects of their lives.


What can be done to get better height? Let’s check the tips to increase the height naturally.






1. Sleep Properly:


Our body grows and regenerates tissues while taking rest. Proper sleep and rest are very much required for growing height. The Human Growth Hormone, HGH is naturally produced in our bodies during sound and deep sleep. Growing children and teenagers should sleep for at least 8 to 11 hours properly every night. Ensure that you have a good sleeping environment. No disturbing noises or strong lightsshould reach you.



2. Exercise Regularly:


To grow naturally being physically fit and active as a child is very essential. Regular exercise enhances the height. When you are physically active, you require more healthy nutrients and so, you increase nutrient intake resulting in proper growth.



3. Yoga:


Yoga is yet another great way to increase height naturally. It brings about overall fitness which boosts height. Certain yoga poses helps in releasing growth hormones in the body. The stretchings and balancing exercises in yoga strengthen the body muscles and improve the body posture. Triangle poses (trikonasana), mountain pose (tadasana), cobra pose (bhujangaasana), pleasant pose (sukhasana), etc. are much helpful. You can also do Suryanamaskar.



4. Maintain the Correct Posture:


Maintain a correct posture from childhood. Sit straight on a chair, keep your shoulders straight, chin high and hips over the feet, and walk or stand straight. Don’t slouch while you walk. A straight spine and a strong back are very much essential to increase height.



5. Balanced Diet:


A balanced diet is one of the most essential part to get proper nutrition. Don’t eat junk food at any cost. Stay away from saturated fats, excessive sugary foods, and carbonated drinks since these foods cause a negative impact on height. Ensure that you get all the essential vitamins and minerals your body needs.



6. No Growth Stunting Factors:


Make sure your height doesn’t get affected by any kind of external or internal factor.


Avoid drugs and alcohol at younger age. These lead to stunted growth and malnutrition, and prevent you from reaching your full height. Stay away from caffeine, particularly among children as it keeps you away from sleeping soundly and regularly.


Steroids have also been found inhibiting bone growth in children, adversely affecting the height.



7. Strong Immunity:


Few childhood diseases can also lead to stunted growth. Regular immunization can prevent this and plenty of Vitamin C which is present in citrus fruits should be consumed. Eat whole and fresh foods, and avoid processed and hydrogenated foods.



8. Ask For Medical Aid:


If you are in mid-teens and hail from a family with all the members tall, but your height isn’t that good, you should visit a doctor. Few medical conditions can be detected at such an early stage.



9. Build Your Confidence:


If you are tall but lack confidence, it’s of no use. So, it’s important to build confidence. Take part in various activities, join a club or spend time for your interests and hobbies. These activities will boost your mood, thus affecting your confidence levels. If you are a positive person and have enough confidence, even a shorter stature won’t be able to trouble you.