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Clean Up Diet



Many people plan to heat healthy but later on give up. There are many benefits of eating the healthy way and to live longer. If it’s difficult to change at a time, start taking with a small step and then proceed step wise. Here are few proved tips to make these changes.



1. Breakfast


Irrespective of how busy you are in the mornings; never skip your breakfast anyway. There are many ideas to make breakfast in very less time. Make it the night before to save some time in the morning. If you love smoothies, then prepare all the ingredients required the night before and make it in less than 3 min in the morning. Oatmeal with almonds and blueberries is yet another option. Chop the almonds and keep your ingredients ready. Boil oats for a minute the night before and keep it aside. Next morning, cook your oats for 10 min and garnish with almonds and blueberries.



2. Keep healthy food handy


Most of the time when we feel to eat something handy, we choose the unhealthy foods. So, it’s better to keep healthy foods handy than to unhealthy foods.



3. Fresh herbs


To flavour your meals use fresh herbs like oregano, sage, basil, and mint with no harmful chemicals. But we often buy bunch of herbs and use very less throwing out the remaining just because they aren’t fresh anymore. To keep them fresh longer, remove the leaves from the stems and put them in airtight glass jars. Keep these jars in your refrigerator. Make sure your herbs are dry. This way they last up to 2 weeks.



4. Veggie noodles


You think veggie noodles aren’t tasty but they are tasty and healthy at the same time. Wheat pasta is definitely tasty but it’s processes, contains gluten and mucus forming. Moreover it’s not good for digestion. So, it’s better to replace wheat pasta with vegetable noodles usually made of cucumber, zucchini and/or carrot. Cut the vegetables into noodles shape and mix healthy sauce to enjoy it.



5. Own salad dressings


Store bought dressings are full of chemicals and preservatives. So, making salad dressing yourself is the best option. Store them in glass jars to keep them for more than a week. To make it take all the ingredients in a glass jar and shake till they mix well.



6. Oat flour instead of white flour


White flour isn’t good for health since it doesn’t have essential nutrients and contains gluten. So, prefer oat flour over white flour. Process oat flakes in a coffee grinder, food processor or a blender. If you are sensitive to gluten, then take gluten free oats.



7. Freeze ripe bananas


Have ever added frozen bananas to smoothies? They are tasty. Take very much ripe bananas and peel them. Take them in a container or a zip lock bag and freeze. Blend it whenever you wish to make ice cream or smoothie.



8. Ditch dairy products


They are loaded with antibiotics, hormones and pesticides. If you are lactose intolerant, avoid dairy products. Almond milk is a great substitute for cow’s milk. Replace butter with avocado.



9. Cauliflower


Creamy soups, smooth sauces, and mashed potatoes are tasty but full of unhealthy fats. Cauliflower is low in fat and calories and high in fiber and nutrients. Lightly boil or steam it to your sauce or a sauce and blend it. Prefer mashed cauliflower over mashed potatoes.



10. Ditch soda


We know that soda isn’t good for health. Instead drink flavoured water. Drink citrus juice like orange juice or lemon water, add fresh herbs, vegetables and fruit slices to water.