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Nausea is a kind of feeling we usually suffer from. In such situation, you can be sweaty, dizzy, hot and feel like vomiting. It’s actually a sign signaling something wrong in the body. It may be something you ate that body wants to get rid of. Even dehydration, acid reflux, migraine, heartburn, stomach disorder, motion sickness, food poison, sunstroke, or viral infections may also be the reason. Below are few home remedies for nausea you may find helpful next time you are nauseated.





Peppermint has calming effects on the stomach linings to get rid of nausea. Antispasmodic properties in peppermint can effectively prevent cramping and nausea. It can relieve post-operative nausea as well.


Take a teaspoon of dried peppermint leaves in a cup with some lukewarm water. Cover and steep for 3 – 5 minutes. Add 1tsp of honey and sip this tea while warm.


If you want, you can also use a drop of peppermint oil on a tissue and inhale it.





When you get nauseated, you usually remember ginger, isn’t it? It’s one of the best home remedies for nausea. It’s good for both pregnancy related nausea and chemotherapy induced nausea.


Take 1tsp grated gingerroot to a cup of boiling water, cover it and steep for 10min. Strain and then add some honey with lemon juice. Drink this while it’s warm and make sure you have it less than 3 cups a day.


You can mix 1 ½ tsp ginger juice, 1tbsp honey and 1tsp fresh lemon juice and 1tsp mint juice. Have it every few hours till you feel better.


If all these are not possible, then simply chew a piece of raw ginger or ginger candy or ginger pickle to feel better instantly.


If you are using any prescribed medicines such as anti-coagulants, aspirin or something similar, then it is advised to avoid ginger.





Aromatic and soothing properties in clove are very much effective in curing nausea. It’s also used to treat morning sickness and pregnancy related nausea.


Take a teaspoon of clove powder in a cup of boiling water. Now cover it and steep for five minutes and then strain it. For taste you may like to add a teaspoon of honey to it.


Take few drops of clove oil on your handkerchief and inhale it whenever required.


You can even chew a clove to get rid of nausea.





Lemon is very much handy than any other ingredient and relives nausea easily.


1tsp of lemon juice, 1tsp of honey mixed together should be consumed slowly to get rid of nausea.


Make juice of ½ lemon and mix 1 ½tsp salt in it. Inhale the smell for few minutes and then drink it slowly. People with high BP shouldn’t add salt to it.


Take half a lemon and inhale its smell to cure nausea.


You can even mix 10 drops of lemon juice, 1 ½ tsp sugar and 1 ¼ tsp baking soda in a cup of water and have it.





Cumin can help secrete digestive enzymes for proper digestion. This can help alleviate nausea as well.


A teaspoon cumin seeds can be taken in a cup with some hot water. Cover it and then steep for few minutes. Add a pinch of nutmeg powder and sip it slowly. Chew the seeds as well.


Chew a teaspoon of dry roasted cumin seeds and get rid of nausea.


Mix 1 ½ tsp cumin seeds powder with water in a cup and drink it.



Cold Compress:


Cold compress can’t actually cure nausea but this can reduce dizziness. It stabilizes body temperature when nausea increases the body temperature.


Wrap few ice cubes in a cloth or a towel and put it on the back of the neck, on your forehead or across the throat to feel better.


Soak a cotton cloth in cold water, remove the excess water from it and place on the neck, forehead or throat for few minutes.



Apple Cider Vinegar:


Apple cider vinegar can cure nausea, migraines and even food poisoning.


1tbsp apple cider vinegar with a cup of water, 1 ½ tbsp honey can be consumed to get rid of nausea easily.





Fennel is yet another herb which can treat nausea.


1tsp fennel seeds in a cup of water can be taken. Cover it, and steep for 10 minutes. Add few drops of lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of honey. Drink this tea very slowly and chew the seeds.


You can chew a teaspoon of fennel seeds as well to get rid of nausea.


Other than these remedies listed above, it’s important to avoid dehydration. But if you still feel nausea for more than 24 hours, then its best to consult a doctor.