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Olden days have gone. Now there’s more pollution and we are much exposed to harmful rays. These harmful UV rays increases the risk of Age related Macular Degeneration, Cataracts, etc. AMD which is Age related Macular Degeneration results in blindness. So, it’s important to take care of your eyes by simply following few good habits.


Healthy Eyes


Leafy Greens:


Kale, spinach, collard greens, etc. are dark green leafy vegetables which contain leutein and zeaxanthene in high quantities. These two carotenes are known to reduce the risk of eye diseases like macular degeneration and cataracts. Prefer having two servings of these leaves a day and prevent these eye diseases. Simply include spinach in lunch and broccoli to your dinner and you are done.


Antioxidants Rich Food:


Free radicals are very harmful to our body and these are the main factors causing our lenses to harden contributing to eye diseases. Antioxidants can fight these free radicals and so prefer foods rich in antioxidants. Take a cup of blueberries with your breakfast or simply take an orange for afternoon snack time.




Omega- 3s are very good for your heart but it’s also healthy for your eyes as well. Few fishes like tuna, salmon, halibut, etc. are quite rich in Omega-3. Foods containing this prevent eye dryness, protects tear film, prevents cataract, etc. Just take 2-3 servings of it per week or consume fish oil regularly and you are done. It’s also important to cut down red meat since it causes macular degeneration.






Everyone loves eating crunchy carrots. They contain a carotenoid called beta-carotene that keeps your eyes healthy. This carotenoid is also present in pumpkins. Have them to keep eye diseases at bay.


Wear Sunglasses:


UV rays are very harmful to our eyes. These rays results in cataract and AMD. It’s advised to wear sunglasses with dark glasses to filter these rays completely. But still, these rays successfully reach your eyes from the top and from the sides. So, prefer wearing hat as well.


Heart Rate Elevation:


Do you know that workouts which elevate such as aerobics can reduce the pressure inside your eyes? Few studies have proved that it can prevent the risk of glaucoma. So, 30 minute workouts are advised for this purpose. Try walking or jogging or any other cardio workouts if don’t want to go for aerobics.


Take Multivitamins:


Foods rich in antioxidants, vitamin C and E, betacarotene and minerals such as copper and zinc should be consumed regularly. These slow down the risk of developing macular degeneration even for those who are at higher risk. Even consume food rich in B6 and B12.






Do you know that people with heavy weight have low blood flow? Heave weight results in hypertension, cholesterol, inflammation, etc. and these results in slow blood flow. This means low blood flow to your eyes. So, even 30 minutes of walking four times a week is also enough to increase the blood flow rate.


These are very good habits not only for your eyes but also for your entire body. So, follow them and stay healthy with proper and healthy eyes.