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Diet Dheats


To maintain a healthy lifestyle, many types of diet plans are available designed by many nutritionists keeping in mind about body type, lifestyle, etc.


But you tend to replace, substitute or ignore few aspects of your diet plan as per your convenience which leads to drastic health effects. If you think you can cheat on diet, then here are few myth busters for you.



Myth 1: Substitute oats with muesli


Many think cereals are best for breakfast but different food item contains different kinds of nutrients which may healthy or even unhealthy for your body type. Most commonly people replace oats with muesli since the latter tastes good and crunchy but muesli is more fattening than oats and it contains 20g fat or 471 calories while oats contain 7g or 389 calories. People also add dry fruits to muesli for taste which becomes more fattening. This affects your health since dry fruits are full of calories.



Myth 2: Wheat flakes are as nutritious as corn flakes


When advised to take wheat flakes, most people replace it with corn flakes and then they complain that there’s no change in their body. Corn flakes adversely affects on the diabetics and those with high cholesterol.



Myth 3: Neglecting hidden sources of oil


Many diet plans recommend to take oil as less as possible. A person should not consume oil more than half liter per month. This doesn’t mean you limit this to only direct oil. People tend to neglect hidden sources of oil. Butter, ghee, peanuts, and even coconut are sources of oil. These food items can harm you.



Myth 4: Replacing red wine with White wine and canned fruit juices


Many diet plans have no restriction on drinking a glass of red wine on alternate days or once a week. But many people tend to replace it with white wine or beer which is much harmful. Even drinking fruit juices without checking the ingredient list or non-alcoholic beverages affects your diet plan greatly.


These small cheats seem so small but make big differences. Packaged fruit juices and beverages contain lots of sugar which isn’t healthy at all. So, when the plan consists of a name, you should consume that only.