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Have low monthly budget? You can’t call a makeup artist like celebrities do. So, here are few tips or beauty hacks you should know for a perfect look you desire no matter how low your budget may be.




Make a gel liner from your eye pencil

Take a good eye pencil and put it near a flame for around 30 seconds. You can light a candle and do it. Now keep it aside to cool it down for about 15 minutes. This will now give thick and intense line when applied like a gel liner does.



Setting the lipstick


First apply a lipstick and then place a tissue paper over your lips and put some powder over it. This will help in setting the color and will give long lasting color.



Drying the nail polish

First apply nail polish neatly and then take a bowl of cold water. Dip your fingers in it and wait for some time. This method speeds up the drying process.


Using bobby pins properly


Bobby pins slide out of hair very easily for which you complain so often. To stop these pins from slipping, take a tissue paper and lay it on a table. Place the pins on the tissue paper and spray any stiff holder hair spray. This way the bobby pins will stay on hair for longer hours and won’t slide out every other minute.


Greasy Hair Day Rescue

Dry shampoo is the best to fix greasy hair. If you can’t wash your hair, then this shampoo can come to your rescue but if you don’t find a dry shampoo for any reason or in emergency, you can use baby powder since it does the same thing as the dry shampoo. Take some of the powder on your hair line and rub it well. This will absorb the grease in your hair making your hair look good.


Baby wipes everywhere

You can’t get your hands on makeup wipes everywhere and so simply use baby wipes as an alternative. They too work the same way. In fact they are kinder to the skin than makeup wipes.



Heatless waves

If you want curly hair and those too heatless curls, make braids of your hair on both sides of your hair tightly just before you go to sleep. Next morning, untangle them; and spray and scrunch it. You’ll get beautiful beach waves without even using curling irons.



Mascara Perfection

Take a business card and put it behind your eye lashes while you apply mascara. It straightens your lashes and prevents smudging on eyelids.


French manicure

Take a band aid and put the curved end of it a little away from your nail tips. Apply nail polish and wait till it dries. Now peel out the band aid to get perfect French manicure at your home.


Iron for long lasting effects

If you are using a curling iron, roll your hair and pin it till it cools down. Similarly if you are using a flat iron, place a cardboard near hair roots and hold with bobby pins. Leave it till it cools down. This way the styling effects last long for hours.