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Mango-Banana Smoothie


Mango is the king of all the fruits due to its yummy taste, rich flavor and the golden color. Everyone wait for this seasonal fruit and try different recipes with it? This hot temperature definitely requires some delicious liquids especially smoothies. So, why don’t we try it with mango? And if you add one or more fruits to it such as a banana or orange, the taste just increases making you to sip it now. Tasty cool mango banana smoothie may be able to satisfy your taste buds as well as cool down your body this season.




Mango – 1 medium sized

Peeled and chopped banana – 1 large

Orange juice – 500ml

Ice cubes – few




Take a container and mix mango, chopped banana and orange juice. Blend the mixture in a blender and add ice cubes and pulse till the ice cubes are broken down. Pour it in a glass and serve chilled. If you want you can even add dry fruits as well.