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Are you healthy? Physically, yes. But, mentally?


How many of you can answer this question without considering the variables. Not many. With stress creeping into our lives peace and tranquillity of the mind is something that seems to be slipping of our hands, day by day.


Take care of yourself:


Many individuals think that it is not necessary for themselves to take care of their mental health and just let things be. Not dealing with your issues is equal to running away from them. And this is not going to change anything. It will only make things worse. Your stress will come back to you, with a vengeance if you plan to procrastinate and avoid it.


Anger, stress, depression are all examples of a messed up mind. And a messed up mind will never be able to give its best, no matter how easy the task is. Losing your mental health will eventually result in losing your hold on things that you were once strong in. Even the slightest push on your emotions can make you break down. This shows how weak you are, mentally.


By all means, you should be ready to take help and mend yourself before things go wrong, very wrong. You should be ready to take care of yourself, because in the end of the day, you will be the one who has to be there for yourself and no one knows you better like how you know yourself.


Tackling with various issues of the mind:


Jumping to psychiatric counselling in the beginning will not do any good. In turn, it’ll become another form of stress. You will tend to develop a mindset that a psychiatrist can deliver you of our issues. That is absolutely right, but a heart to heart conversation is what psychologist does these days.


If you are insecure to open up to your doctor, you could open to that trusted friend or family member and share your issues with them. They might not be able to give you a proper solution but opening up will automatically relieve you, fraction by fraction.


With a strong heart, you will be immune to any hardship that comes your way. Practice that and master it, you will never need any help.