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What eye brow shape do you have? Have you ever imagined yourself with another eye brow shape before? Have ever asked in the parlour what eye brow shape may suit you or what you want to be done?



The way your eye brows are done can change your entire look and the way you transmit to people you meet the entire day. Your eye brows can make your eyes and your nose look bigger or smaller. Your nose may seem wider or thinner than they actually are.



Even they show different emotions on your face in different styles. They can make you look happy or sad, rough or soft, and confident or innocent.



Eye Brow Shapes



A particular eye brow shape suits the best to a person while it may not look good on someone else. Since our body hair grows fast, you can experiment with various eye brow shapes and check what suits you best. Decide on it and then stick to it.



But if you are not talented in shaping your eye brows, then go to the professional and let her do it for you. Check the image and see how this girl look different and show different emotions with different eye brow shapes. Each eye brow shape changed her entire look.



High arched brows make you look confident while hi-low brows make you seem just soft and normal. Thin brows make you sensitive while thick brows symbolize youth. Similarly close brows and short brows look different on her.