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To bring down the LDL or bad cholesterol level, you need to plan a proper diet that can bring you success. Here are those 10 best diets to control high cholesterol and lose extra pounds but still can be enjoyed for their tastes.



1. Mediterranean Diet


Mediterranean Diet


Eat what all the people surrounding the Mediterranean Sea are eating since many centuries. Take fruits, vegetables, fish, whole grains, olive oil, lean meats, etc. Scientists say that puddings are healthy for heart.



2. TLC (Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes)


Diet, exercise and weight control lowers down bad cholesterol by 20% - 30%. Avoid trans fats and saturated fat. Prefer healthier versions of your food like lean ham instead of bacon. Pan cakes, ice cream, and peanut butter can be taken as well but portions in mind.



3. DASH Diet




It’s an easy plan and can be followed easily that lowers blood pressure. The bonus is it works fast. You can expect it to work in 2 weeks of time period only.


Grains, veggies, fruits that provide fiber and nutrients are in the list. Lean proteins like low fat milk products, fish and beans are also present. You need cut back sodium, sweets, added sugar, and red meat.



4. Mayo Clinic Diet


High fibrous foods like oatmeal, oat bran, fish and many other foods with loads of omega-3 fatty acids, nuts are in the list to reduce LDL cholesterol. Exercise and portion sizes of your foods are part of this plan. It jump stats with a 2 week phase and then keeps on going.



5. Vegetarian or Vegan Diet


Vegan Diet


This includes plant based diets but you need to choose your foods wisely.  Vegans don’t eat eggs, meat, dairy and even honey.


They are even less likely to get heart related problems and high BP due to their diet which results in lower fat and cholesterol in their bodies.


If you’re a vegan, you still need to check the portions of sweets and fatty foods. Check with a good dietician if you’re getting enough proteins and essential nutrient or not.



6. Flexitarian Diet


If you eat more vegan diet with less meat and poultry items, then this is flexitarian diet. Hlf of your plate consists of fruits and vegetables while the remaining half contains whole grains and lean proteins. Low fat dairy products are also recommended.



7. The Engine 2 Diet


Engine-2 Diet


It’s a plant based diet created by a fire fighter and a former professional athlete. This radical diet lowers LDL or bad cholesterol and boosts HDL or good cholesterol.


It may not be a flexible diet plan but you may enjoy whole grains, fruits, veggies, tofu, legumes, soy products, dairy, processed foods, but no meat.



8. Biggest Loser Diet


Lower your cholesterol by losing weight. Lowering BP, getting stronger and boosting energy is possible with this diet. Exercise is a part of this plan.



9. Weight Watchers


Weight Watchers


For long term results, follow this plan. This plan will make you feel full and at the same time will reduce your weight.


Choose foods high in protein and fiber and eat less carbs and fats.



10. Dean Ornish Diet


This plan comes in many levels. Strictest one has low fat and no animal products. You can reduce more than 30% of the cholesterol. Many of us find it difficult to follow but based on the health requirements, the plan can be changed and less strict plan can be chosen.


Some fats are necessary and good such as fish oil, omega-3 fatty acids, polyunsaturated oils, etc. and these help in proper functioning of your body parts.