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Most of us carry facial wipes in our handbags all the time and it’s absolutely necessary in such fast paced lifestyle but it’s also a fact that these are expensive and not every woman can afford it for regular use. So, is there any solution to this? Obviously there are alternatives or solutions to every problem. We just need to find it out. How about making them at home yourself? It’s quite easy and affordable.



Benefits of Makeup Remover Wipes:


These wipes contain moisturizing creams and lotions to revitalize and rejuvenate your skin immediately.

These are easy to carry and easy to use. You can’t carry all your beauty products in your bag all the time. It’s easy to carry these wipes instead.

These wipes are hygienic and designed for personal use only and these are convenient to use avoiding contamination due to germs.

They have multiple features like cleaning, moisturizing and exfoliating. Simply take a wipe and clean your face with it before going to bed. It’s that simple.



Make Your Makeup Removal Wipes Yourself:




1. Micro-oven proof bowl
2. Clean water
3. Roll of paper towels
4. Stencil knife
5. Moisturizing cream
6. Baby wash
7. Coconut oil
8. Plastic lidded airtight container




1. Take a micro oven bowl of clean water, coconut oil, baby wash and moisturizing cream.


2. Heat them all together in the oven for few seconds and then mix them well.


3. Cut the paper towel roll in half or the size that fits the plastic lid airtight container.


4. Put this paper towel in the container and pour the mixture in it evenly.


5. Put the lid now and let the paper soak in that mixture for some time.


6. Make an X – cut on the plastic lid with a sharp knife to pull out the wipes out of the container.


7. Your makeup removal wipes are ready to use. You can store them for some days to use regularly for cleaning and moisturizing purpose.