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Pre and Post Workout Snacks



After starting your work out, in just 10 min you realize that you are tired and hungry. You didn’t eat anything good before you start. Here is a list of top few workout snacks you should add to your daily regime.



Apples: Apples give you slow release energy and so, you’ll be able to work out for long. A red apple gives 60 calorie approximately.



Energy gels: Usually runners, mountaineers, and cyclists use energy gels. These single serving snacks contain high calories and so are meant for athletes and those who work out for long hours.



Yogurt parfait: Those who work out moderately, yogurt parfait are best suitable. Mix yogurt with chopped fresh fruits and you are done. 1 60g bowl of this contains 100 calories.You can also add honey or cinnamon.



Energy bars: If you don’t have enough time, then go for energy bars but check the fat, sugar and carbs content. The total calories differ from brand to brand.



Eggs and toast: This is one of the best snacks. Just one or two eggs on toast will provide carbs and proteins with 220 calories.



Vegetable omelet: It’s calorie efficients and full of proteins packed with energy. A simple carrot and onion omlet win 1 – 2 whites carries 90 calories.



Oats: A small bowl of oats with fruits like apples, banas, or pears carries 250 calores. Prepare this with water.



Dark chocolate: Dark chocolate contains antioxidants and recovers from gruelling workouts. 100g of dark chocolate is enough.



Chocolate milk: Chocolate milk contains post workout recovery properties. 250ml of it provides 150 calories.



Smoothies: Yogurt smoothies replenishes body post workout and are comfortable too. Get healty skimmed milk and skimmed yogurt, fresh fruits smoothies for snack.



Protein Shakes: Ask a doctor to recommend what protein shake is good for you and rely on that to get your whole protein requirements.



Egg Whites: Eat 1 or 2 egg whites before or after workout to get around 60 – 100 calories. These are very much good for your health.



Avocados: A whole avocado will give you 200 – 300 calories but if you are a heavy worker then spending these calories isn’t difficult. Otherwise just a half of the fruit will give you 120 calories.



Almonds and Walnuts: These are very much beneficial to health and instant energy provider. Just 7 – 12 almonds and 2 – 4 walnuts will give you 200 calories.



Dried Date stuffed with almond/walnut: A dried date stuffed with whole almond or walnut will provide 30 – 50 calories.