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These tasty tension tamers can help boost your mood and protect your body. Yes, here are those four best things which can lower your stress and tension.

1. Dark chocolates:



A study in Germany says that those who ate the darkest chocolates over 10 years had lower blood pressure than those who ate the least. It reduces the stress hormones in people who eat more dark chocolates. Well the fat, sugar and calories are not so good for you. So stick to a few small squares a day.


2. Fish:

This helps you in moderating stress hormones and protects you against depression. You can take a fish oil supplement. But the best way to get them is through food. Aim to eat 85gms of fatty fish at least twice a week or a handful of walnuts every day especially for those who don’t like fish or non-veg.


3. Black tea:

Black tea may help you recover from nerve-racking events more quickly. People who drink four cups of it every day have lower stress hormone cortisol and feel more relaxed after stressful tasks than those who don’t. It has great mood boosting effects and can help increase alertness throughout the day.


4. Avocados:



Avocados are rich in potassium and they help body absorb all the vital vitamins properly. This also aids in cell reproduction. They help in lowering the blood pressure and ward off depression.

5. Blue Berries:

They are filled of vitamin C which is needed for energy especially when your heart rate is more. They not only reduce anxiety but also are good for skin, low in calories and provide lots of energy.

6. Almonds:

Almonds lower BP when your heart is racing with stress. These are full of vitamin B and vitamin E which are very much essential for immunity while stressed. Munch them directly as snacks or add to your salads.

7. Spinach:

Have you watched Popeye? He stays so relaxed while fighting and he always thanks to his spinach. So, when you are stressed, your body needs magnesium which lowers the stress and spinach is rich in it. If you hate spinach, then try adding it to fruits or vegetable smoothies.

8. Oranges:



Again oranges are rich in vitamin C which is very much important to reduce the blood pressure and lowers stress hormones. Thus they are very helpful to lower the stress.

9. Milk:

Have a glassful of milk when you get stressed out. It has required amount of vitamin B2 and can help you relax. Thus after a tiresome day, a glass of milk before going to bed will help you relax and sleep properly.

10. Bananas:

Bananas are rich in potassium which is required to keep the blood pressure under control. So, next time you feel stressed, help yourself in reducing tension by having a banana.

11. Sweet potatoes:

Usually while stressed, we crave for sweets or carbs. So instead of picking those candies, pick a sweet potato. These provide vitamin B6 helping in stress reduction and relaxation.


12. Tuna:

Tuna is full of vitamin B6 and vitamin B12 which prevents your body from meltdown. Tons of proteins in Tuna are very much helpful to your body. So, try incorporating it to your diet.

13. Yogurt:



Yogurt is rich in calcium which helps a lot in relaxing contracted tight muscles. Grab a cup of yogurt and stay stress free.


These are few of the top foods which are very much helpful in reducing stress. So, try adding these food items to your diet and stay stress-less.