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The place you live plays an important role in your life. It can affect your health greatly. The climatic conditions and the environment around are the key factors here which should suit you for your well being. Here are few points to help you make your living healthy.



Suitable Temperature


Do you know that your body organ functions, hormones productions, etc. differs based on temperature? Every person reacts differently to different temperatures. You need to notice which climatic conditions or temperatures suit you best. Try to maintain that temperature at your home.







Every body’s requirements are different from each other. For few hot and dry climate goes well while for few it is opposite. But you can’t change the place you live. But at least you can change humidity indoors, can’t you?



Negative Ions


What do you mean by negative ions now? These are air particles in beach, waterfalls, forests, etc. But what do they do? They increase the blood oxygen level that means blood purity. They strengthen the immunity and rejuvenate body cells. So, whenever you feel down, walk in the natural beauty and get these ions.



Suitable Altitude


Different people feel good at different altitudes. Few stay healthy near sea while few on the mountains. Observe which goes well for your body.



Effects of Artificial Light


BLue light


Lights have great impact on our body. They regulate body functions, hormonal functions and regulate your sleep. Artificial lights can be harmful for some people. It’s proven that blue light emits wintery spectrum that can make you tired. Yellow light emits summery spectrum that keeps you awake and happy. Switch your bulbs based on their affects and stay healthy. It varies from person to person. So, it’s better to test yourself.



These are few handy tips for you to keep your environment suitable to your body and stay healthy. Control it as much as possible.